Local Meeting on Infill Ordinance – June 4

Michael Kerski, Planning and Development Manager for the City of Greenville, will be meeting with area residents on the new Infill Ordinance at the Bobby Pearse Community Center next Wednesday, June 4, at 7pm. This meeting will hopefully give those of us who were not part of the city’s task force an opportunity to ask questions on what was addressed, what was not and why. Also it seems that some of the task force recommendations are not yet included in the amendments that are posted on line. Maybe this meeting will clear up some of these nut and bolt questions.

The new ordinance will be going before the Planning Commission on June 12 and before the City Council within the next couple of months (TBA). Please note that the Planning Commission meeting will start early that day, 3pm instead of the usual 4pm, due to the lengthy agenda. The item is as follows:

D. Z 09-2014.  Application of the City of Greenville for a Text amendment to Article 19-6.9 of the Greenville City Code (Land Management Ordinance) to incorporate single-family residential infill standards; the current Article 19-6.9, Building Numbering, will be renumbered to 19-6.11.

Local Meeting on Infill Ordinance – June 4
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